Xingxun Jiang(江星洵)
Ph.D. Candidate
Affective Information Processing Lab,
School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering,
Southeast University.
Office : Room 318 (Middle), Liwenzheng Building
Email : jiangxingxun [at]; jiangxingxun [at]

About Me (CV)(resume)

Since March 2021, I have become a Ph.D. Candidate (Integrated Master and PhD Program) of the Affective Information Processing Lab(AIPL) within the School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering at Southeast University. advised by Prof. Wenming Zheng(IET Fellow) . I am also affiliated with Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, From 2022 to 2024, I was funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC) and worked as a visiting Ph.D. student in Prof. Guoying Zhao(IEEE/IAPR Fellow)’s group at the Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS) at the University of Oulu, Finland.

Previously, I became a master student under the supervision of Prof. Wenming Zheng in September 2018. I received my B.S. degree in Smart Grid Information Engineering from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications in June 2017, under the supervision of Dr. Yingjun Wu.


  • 2022-11-19: One paper is accepted by AAAI.
  • 2022-07-12: Won the Scholarship Supported by China Scholarship Council.
  • 2022-05-18: Two papers are accepted by ICPR.
  • 2022-05-02: Two papers are accepted by IJCNN.
  • 2022-01-22: One paper is accepted by ICASSP.
  • 2020-12-17: One paper is accepted by Scientific Reports.
  • 2020-11-11: One paper is accepted by ICPR workshop on Facial and Body Expression, micro-expressions and behavior recognition (FBE2020).
  • 2020-07-29: One paper is accepted by ACM MM.
  • 2020-06-28: Won the Chien-Shiung Wu · BME Scholarship, Southeast University.
  • 2019-10-14: One paper is accepted by ICMI.
  • 2019-06-27: Won the Champion of Audio-Video based Emotion Recognition Challenge of the 7th EmotiW Challenge.
  • 2018-11-14: Won the Third Prize in the 15th National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling.
  • 2018-10-24: Won the First Academic Scholarship, Southeast University.

Selected Publications[More]

DFEW: A Large-Scale Database for Recognizing Dynamic Facial Expressions in the Wild
Xingxun Jiang, Yuan Zong, Wenming Zheng, Chuangao Tang, Wanchuang Xia, Cheng Lu, Jiateng Liu
in ACM 28th Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM2020)
[Paper/中文版] [Bibtex] [Download DFEW] [Code] [PPT] [poster] [video] [Overleaf/中文版]
An new large-scale ‘in-the-wild’ dynamic facial expression database, consisting of 16372 clips from thousands of movies, which annotated by 7 dimensional emotion distribution.
Seeking Salient Facial Regions for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition
Xingxun Jiang, Yuan Zong, Wenming Zheng, Jiateng Liu, Mengting Wei
in The 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022.
[Paper/中文版] [Bibtex] [推导过程] [Code] [PPT] [poster]
Bi-modality Fusion for Emotion Recognition in the Wild
Sunan Li, Wenming Zheng, Yuan Zong, Cheng Lu, Chuangao Tang, Xingxun Jiang, Jiateng Liu, Wanchuang Xia
in The 21th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ACM ICMI),2019.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [EmotiW2019 Champion]
Obtain The Champion of the Audio-Video based Emotion Recognition Challenge of the 7th EmotiW Challenge(2019)
Attentional Focus Modulates Automatic Finger‑tapping Movements
Xilei Zhang, Xingxun Jiang, Xiangyong Yuan, Wenming Zheng
in Scientific Reports, 2021
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Code]

These findings demonstrate compelling evidence that attention can modulate automatic movements and provide an empirical foundation for theories based on such modulation in controlling human behavior.


  • 郑文明,江星洵,宗源,夏万闯,基于人脸局部区域特征学习的跨数据库微表情识别方法及装置 ZL 2019 1 0706550.8 [已授权]
  • 郑文明,夏万闯,宗源,江星洵,路成,刘佳腾,基于光流注意力神经网络的跨库微表情识别方法及装置 ZL 2019 1 0756936.X [已授权]
  • 郑文明,李阳,江星洵,宗源,一种基于双半球差异性模型的脑电情感识别方法及装置 201911343069.3 [已授权]
  • 宗源,江林,张佳成,郑文明,江星洵,刘佳腾,基于联合分布最小二乘回归的跨数据库语音情感识别方法及装置 202010372728.2 [已授权]
  • 宗源,江星洵,郑文明,李阳,路成,唐传高,李溯南,基于域选择迁移回归的跨数据库微表情识别方法及装置 202010030236.5 [已授权]
  • 郑文明,常洪丽,宗源,江星洵,唐传高,基于空时特征融合模型的跨领域脑电情感识别方法及装置 ZL 2021 1 1560169.9 [已授权]
  • 郑文明,李阳,江星洵,宗源,李溯南,基于可迁移注意力神经网络的脑电情感识别方法及装置 202010030240.1 [审中|实申]
  • 郑文明,魏梦婷,江星洵,宗源,常洪丽,基于稀疏化自注意力机制的微表情识别方法及装置 202210196086.4 [审中|实申]
  • 郑文明,魏梦婷,江星洵,宗源,路成,样本自适应的微表情放大方法及装置 202211562229.5 [审中|实申]
  • 郑文明,魏梦婷,宗源,江星洵,刘佳腾,薛云龙,基于对比放大网络的微表情识别方法及装置 202210605395.2 [审中|实申]

Software Copyright

  • 郑文明、江星洵、宗源、夏万闯、刘佳腾、唐传高、张佳成,AIPL动态表情标注软件,2021SR0273805 [已登记]
  • 郑文明、夏万闯、宗源、江星洵、唐传高、刘佳腾、张佳成,多人表情识别演示系统,2021SR0273738 [已登记]
  • 郑文明、唐传高、宗源、江星洵、刘佳腾,高危孤独症谱系障碍自动筛查系统,2021SR0273737 [已登记]
  • 郑文明、刘佳腾、宗源、张佳成、江星洵、夏万闯、唐传高,基于人体面部微表情的孤独症分析系统,2021SR0272958 [已登记]
  • 郑文明、张佳成、宗源、江星洵、刘佳腾,基于生理信号及面部表情的孤独症分析系统,2021SR0273739 [已登记]

Honors and Awards

Academic Service

Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, Pattern Recognition, Expert Systems With Applications, Image and Vision Computing, British Journal of Educational Technology
Reviewer of ACM Multimedia (MM), 2024, 2023
Reviewer of ICASSP, 2024
Reviewer of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022

Teaching Assistant

Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Southeast University, 2021
Affective Computing, University of Oulu, 2023


Room 318 (Middle), Liwenzheng Building, Southeast University, Sipailou 2#, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210096 P. R. China.

Last Updated on 6th Oct., 2022

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